SportzZone TV is a brand new online TV channel for young sports enthusiasts covering all sports - athletics to windsurfing. A mix of regular style TV and a 24/7 video library. Click here to visit

Test player

Having had a test player up and running faultlessly for quite some time now, we are currently evaluating the latest breed of IPTV solutions. So much has changed since we started this project. We are now looking at interactive video ads and some very clever links direct to the key social networking sites. Hopefully the big ad agencies will have woken up to this astonishing new 'broadcast' technology by the time we start knocking on their doors in ernest!

If ever anyone needed convincing of the superb quality of video now possible with even a quite modest broadband line - check this out. Even if you don't like Icelandic bands, you cannot fail to be impressed with the awesome video quality!